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Here at HEBC we believe that we are the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-31 NIV)! We encourage our members to make a difference by getting involved and remembering that we are called to serve ---whether it’s within the inner-workings of the church or out in the midst of the community. Christ was all about serving others and so are we

Intercessory Prayer Ministry (IPM)

The HEBC IPM is a department made up of our powerful prayer warriors who take their passion for prayer directly into the homes of the members of our congregation once a week. They are solely dedicated to reaching out to those with prayer needs by helping them lift up those needs to the Lord.

Food Pantry Ministry

The Food Pantry Ministry is a weekly community outreach that provides various food items (groceries) to all those in need within and outside of our community. We serve every Tuesday morning from 9:00am - 12 noon.

Music Ministry

The Word of God invites us to praise the one true God whether that be through singing, dancing or playing musical instruments as an offering of worship and thanksgiving. We accept that invitation gladly! Our Music Ministry includes the HEBC Praise & Worship Team/Band, the HEBC Dance Company, and the HEBC Choir. Come and join us at any of our services and events.

Praise &Worship Team (P&W)

The HEBC Praise & Worship team lead the congregation into worship during our Sunday morning service each week and at various events throughout the year. The team is led by P&W Music Director, Billy Joseph, and whole-heartedly believes that it is impossible to lead the church into worship without first being led by Christ to live a life of worship! #dropthemic!

HEBC Dance

With a mix of new junior dancers and the veteran Dance Troop. Led by their director, Malischa Ogé, HEBC Dance is a ministry of movement trained in a mix of liturgical, contemporary, modern and ballet dance styles. The HEBC Dance Company consists of dancers who have chosen to use their gift of movement for the Lord.   Ps 149:3

Church Choir

The HEBC Choir is led by our senior Pastor, Rev. Delinois. The choir’s music style is one of classic genre with all selections in A Capella style.

Men’s Ministry

The HEBC Men’s Ministry ‘He-roes’ bring the men of HEBC together to do the things that God intended REAL MEN to do: Love, Lead, and Build up… Love like Christ, Lead to Christ, and of course build up the Kingdom of God.

Women’s Ministry

Our Women’s Ministry ‘HER-oes’ aka UFM (Union des Femmes Missionnaires or Woman’s Missionary Union - WMU) believe that God put women on this earth to Help, Encourage, Bring up and make Christ-like the minds and spirits of all those they come in contact with; and the women of this ministry definitely rise to this calling.

  • Help

  • Encourage

  • Bring up

  • Christ-like in character and in all relationships

Youth Ministry

Here at HEBC we truly understand that the youth of the past and the youth of today are vastly different, but we also know that the God that we serve is the same God of yesterday, today and tomorrow! Our youth ministry always strives to find the common ground between a generation like we’ve never seen, but also holding on tight to an obedience to God’s Word that should never be changed or made to conform to the patterns of this world (Romans 12:2).

Children’s Ministry

Our Sunshine Children’s Ministry firmly believes that if you “train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6 ESV). We know that if a lifestyle of worship and obedience to God’s Word is taught at a young age, then that seed that was imbedded in their hearts will grow and know no bounds! We are excited about a future God-fearing generation that can and will change our world! #trainupachild #teachthebabies

Hospitality Ministry

HEBC Hospitality is the department we turn to for every HEBC grand event… and we wouldn’t have it any other way! This department flawlessly creates an ambience in these events from their savory and delectable food-filled church anniversary reception, which has earned them a glowing reputation as “cordon bleu epicureans” to our annual ‘Haiti Je Me Souviens’ (Haiti, I Remember) a major cultural celebration!


The priorities of the Haitian Evangelical Baptist Church of Pompano are centered entirely on God’s Word, Worship of God, witness and work for God in our community and beyond.



Office (954) 876-9564

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